Social Responsibility Policy - Grand Halı

Social Responsibility Policy


As Grand Halı, we are committed to providing equal opportunities to everyone. We do not discriminate and do not allow discrimination due to age, language, race, colour, gender, ethnicity, political opinion, religion, sect, philosophical belief, HIV/AIDS status, marital status, military status, employment of disabled individuals and similar reasons.
We work with the principle of equality without any discrimination in our employment decisions (recruitment process, termination of employment contract, dismissal, promotion, salary, seniority, leave, wage and training, etc.).


As Grand Halı, we take the necessary measures to ensure that our employees receive a fair wage appropriate to the work they do. Our wage management; We create our products by acting fairly, transparently, and by evaluating performance-related criteria and sector and local conditions.
As Grand Halı; In addition to the social rights of our employees provided by law, we take care to establish a fair wage system that is sufficient to provide a decent life for themselves and their families. Salary, overtime and cash social benefits are paid in monthly Turkish Liras on time, regularly and completely.


GRAND HALI TEKSTİL IND. AND TRADE Inc. A shift working system has been determined. İŞKUR Regional Labor Directorate was informed about the shift working system. Blue-collar workers 7.5 hours per day; They work 6 days a week and have 1 day of holiday a week. White collar employees work 9 hours a day; He works 5 days a week and has 2 days off a week. Overtime work is carried out with the written overtime consent obtained from employees who agree to work overtime over 45 hours per week.
Those who refuse to sign a consent form are not forced to work overtime. In accordance with the Labor Law, employees are allowed to work a maximum of 270 hours of overtime per year, including employees who have signed a Consent. Overtime wages, indefinite period


    GRAND HALI TEKSTİL IND. AND TRADE Inc. A shift working system has been determined. İŞKUR Regional Labor Directorate was informed about the shift working system. Blue-collar workers 7.5 hours per day; They work 6 days a week and have 1 day of holiday a week. White collar employees work 9 hours a day; He works 5 days a week and has 2 days off a week. Overtime work is carried out with the written overtime consent obtained from employees who agree to work overtime over 45 hours per week.
    Those who refuse to sign a consent form are not forced to work overtime. In accordance with the Labor Law, employees are allowed to work a maximum of 270 hours of overtime per year, including employees who have signed a Consent. Overtime wages are applied above the law in accordance with the provisions of the Indefinite Term Employment Contract. Indefinite Term Employment Contract GRAND HALI TEKSTİL SAN. AND TRADE Inc.  In addition to meeting the conditions specified in legal provisions, especially the Labor Law, an extra 10-minute break is given in addition to the half-hour lunch break for work under 7.5 hours per day.

    ş Sözleşmesi hükümlerince yasanın üzerinde uygulanmaktadır. Belirsiz Süreli İş Sözleşmesi GRAND HALI TEKSTİL SAN. VE TİC. AŞ.  İş Kanunu başta olmak üzere yasal hükümlerde belirtilen şartları sağlamanın ötesinde, günlük 7,5 saatin altındaki çalışmalarda yarım saat yemek molasının dışında ekstra olarak 10 dakika mola hakkı verilmektedir.


Our company implements the “Zero Tolerance to Child Labor and Forced Labor” policy, which is clearly adopted all over the world, and does not employ child and young workers directly or indirectly. However, Vocational High School students who have intern status can be employed as young workers based on the rules determined by the relevant school.
During the intern’s job placement and employment; safety, health, physical, mental, moral and psycho-social development, personal competence and abilities are taken into account. OHS training and complaint mechanism training is provided for each new trainee.
Interns are employed in jobs that will contribute to vocational education in a way that does not hinder their school attendance and success in school. Interns; It is forbidden to employ them in hazardous work that has a negative impact on their safety, health and moral development or may cause such an impact. At the same time, they are not allowed to work more than 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week and at night.
Solid age verification mechanisms have been established in a way that does not humiliate or disrespect the worker, with documents such as the Employment Health Report and Identity Card among the recruitment documents. Visitors are admitted to the company in a controlled manner by the security guards in our company.
Our company aims to protect children from all kinds of abuse. In this context, our company is committed to making the necessary improvements for the child to return to compulsory education if it is discovered that child labor is being used. The ultimate goal of these improvements is; It is better for children to be removed from work, rehabilitated or prevented from working.
After the necessary research is done, various alternative solutions (such as providing family employment, applying to associations, etc.) are provided to protect the child.


Believing that the basis of social compliance lies in conscious employees, during the recruitment phase and in certain periods, we encourage our employees to; It undertakes that the level of awareness will be increased by informing people about their personal rights, company rules and working conditions, and that all employees will not be employed without security in accordance with national laws and regulations.


  • Foreign national employees working in our company; Employment contracts are drawn up in a language they understand. All personnel procedures, from employment to termination, are carried out in accordance with the applicable legal regulations. Under no circumstances can a worker be employed on a debt basis.
    The legal rights of foreign workers to work are protected by the company.


Our company considers minimizing any losses that may occur by creating a safer and healthier working environment as our primary goal; In line with the legal regulations on Occupational Health and Safety and the OHSAS 18001 standard, it is committed to running a working system that prioritizes the general health of employees and to effectively improve OHS practices according to technical developments and innovations.


Grand Halı creates platforms where every employee can convey their wishes and complaints and attaches importance to employee satisfaction. Thanks to the wish and complaint reporting system created in this context, continuous development and improvement is aimed. Thanks to this system, constant communication is established with employees.
Thanks to the system created, feedback is given quickly and it is guaranteed that the employee will not be retaliated against in response to his/her wishes and complaints.
Our external stakeholders can submit their suggestions and complaints via our website. (Ref:


Grand Halı respects the right of workers to establish a union freely and democratically.
It does not discriminate between workers due to union membership and respects workers’ collective bargaining rights.


To ensure peace of mind in the working environment and happy work of employees; It is committed to creating an environment free of verbal, physical, psychological harassment, pressure, threat or coercion.


Our company; It meets all requirements meticulously by establishing an environmental management system in order to prevent harm to the environment. Significant impacts to the environment are evaluated in risk analysis and policies and procedures that reflect environmental responsibilities are established.
Efforts are being made to reduce carbon emissions and natural resource consumption and to increase the amount of recycled waste.
Continuous training is provided to employees to increase environmental awareness.


With the belief that suppliers have equal responsibility; It undertakes to evaluate the social compliance activities of supplier companies and follow up the results with action plans.


Grand Halı undertakes to comply with the laws and standards aimed at preventing bribery/corruption in its relations with customers, suppliers, employees and official authorities, adhering to the principle of transparency, and to raise awareness of all its employees about “behaving ethically” by making the necessary risk analyzes in this context.
It complies with the requirements regarding privacy and information security laws and legislation in the collection, use and processing of personal data.
The intellectual property rights of business partners are protected.

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